presents... In association with The Inspired Mind Book Shop You can purchase the inspiring books and audio tapes of any of the best selling authors I have interviewed (plus a few other books which I think are great) by clicking on the links below. These books and tapes are offered at substantially DISCOUNTED PRICES through ISBN: 1590030257 James Van Praagh communicates with more dead people than Saint Peter in his best seller, “Talking to Heaven.” I highly recommend it. This book is the kind you read, then pass around to all of your friends. He also has a brand new book out, also a best-seller, called, “Reaching to Heaven,” in which he describes a soul's journey through heaven, and eventually, its re-entry into a new life on earth. Highly recommended. James Van Praagh
James Van Praagh James Van Praagh (New Book)
Neale Donald Walsch Meditations
from Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue Conversations
with God Book 2 Meditations
from Conversations with God: Book 2; A Personal Journal Conversations
with God Book 3 Conversation
with God Reminder Cards For lovers of “Wayne,” here are his two most recent books and latest audio tapes: Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer
Dean Ornish offers scientific evidence proving that love and intimacy are even greater predictors of longevity than diet, exercise, smoking or alcohol consumption, or even genetics. I liked this one a lot! Dr. Dean Ornish
Dr. Dean Ornish
Anything that comes out of the mouth of Caroline Myss is a winner with me. I especially recommend the Energy Anatomy tape series listed below. Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss
Dannion Brinkley has had so many near-death experiences to date, you'd think it was his hobby! He's definitely worth reading, and if you ever have a chance to see him in person, he's a hoot. He also has a new book coming out later in 1999 called, “If All This Is True, Then What Shall We Do?” Look for it here! Dannion Brinkley
If you're stuck in a career rut, or in the midst of a life transition, Barbara Sher is a great coach to help you make sense of it all. She's very down-to-earth. Nothing “woo-woo” about this lady! Barbara Sher
Barbara Sher
If menopause is an issue in your life, herbalist and goat herder, Susun Weed, (who spells her first name with a “u” instead of an “a”) is a good one to read. A friend of mine drank the herbal concoctions Susun recommends and her hot flashes stopped. Impressive. Susun Weed
Susun Weed
J.S. Salt interviewed over 1000 kids in elementary schools and asked them what they needed most from their parents. Written in the kids’ own words, this book makes a beautiful gift for anyone with (or without) children. I loved this book, which also happened to be the number one parenting book in America last year. His new book, “Accept Me For Who I Am,” in which he interviews teenagers on the same subject, will be out this May. Look for it here! J. S. Salt
William Buhlman presents the best book I've ever seen on learning how to jump out of your body at will. This book is packed with information. I haven't interviewed him yet, but thought this book was so worthwhile, that I've listed it here. William L. Buhlman
Rose Offner's books are great. Every full color page is a work of art. In “Journal to the Soul,” Rose has you write about specific experiences in your life. The couple's journal provides separate space for lovers to record their thoughts and feelings on a number of subjects related to their bond. Both books make beautiful keepsakes or great gifts! Rose Offner
Rose Offner
John Bradshaw talks about how secrets are preserved and repeated within a family throughout generations. Definitely worth reading, especially if the experience of growing up in your family was painful. John Bradshaw
Matthew Fox recently created the “Techno Gaia Mass,” which drew over a thousand people into his Church of Creation Spirituality. He must be doing something right! Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox
Interested in working with the human energy field, auras and more? Barbara Brennan is a pro at explaining how to do so. Her books are very thorough. Barbara Brennan
Barbara Brennan
Swami Beyondananda is the clever punster of the New Age, or perhaps I should call it the “Moo Age.” Swami B is always fun to read. Over the years the Swami and I have become punster-dueling friends. He's publishing a new book later in 1999. I’ll have it up on this site as soon as it's available. Swami Beyondananda, aka Steve Bhaerman
Swami Beyondananda, aka Steve Bhaerman
Stephen Levine and his wife, Ondrea, wrote the best seller, “Who Dies?,” back in the ‘70’s. Their message is about having mercy and compassion for oneself and others. They are powerful teachers for us all. Stephen Levine
Stephen Levine
Charles Tart is one of the founders of the transpersonal psychology movement. As a scientist, he's intent on bridging the gap between science and spirituality. He's been at this stuff for years, and has many good things to say. Dr. Charles Tart
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie. He's a beloved surgeon and humorist. “Love, Medicine and Miracles,” should be given to anyone going through a challenging illness. This book brings hope to those who are ill. Bernie Siegel
Bernie Siegel James Twyman tells the true story about his discovery of a secret mystical community on the borderline of Bosnia and Croatia. Known as the Emissaries of Light, members of this community meditate on world peace for 12 hours every day. I recommend James Twyman to anyone who liked the Celestine Prophecy. An exciting adventure. Inspiring and visionary. James Twyman
of Light: My Adventures With the Secret Peacemakers
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