Author of

The Power of Miracle Thinking

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About the Book

Think about it...A fire, which consumed 500,000 acres, swept across Ronnie Chittim's property in Southern Oregon. While everything in every direction burned to the ground, Ronnie's home remained untouched.

The doctors had given Steven Walters 24 hours to live. Ten years later, he still shows no sign of leukemia.

Professional speaker, Kathleen Ronald, makes no sales calls to attract new clients, yet ever since she began her business, her phone has been ringing off the hook, and she speaks before thousands of people every year.

Each of these people has quite a different story, yet they all had one thing in common - each was looking for a miracle, and each received it…

While everyone goes through tough times, clearly some people achieve great success or prevail in spite of the overwhelming difficulties that surface in their lives. Why? Obviously, people like Steven, Ronnie and Kathleen did something that enabled them to open a doorway, as if by magic, to move them toward their goals. Randy calls people like Steven, Ronnie and Kathleen, "Miracle Thinkers."

Miracle Thinking is a book for people who want to produce results, from an increase in money or clients, to finding one's soul mate, to healing a physical ailment, to overcoming an obstacle, to achieving greater joy and ease, to creating one's dream and more.After interviewing close to 40 people whom she identified as "Miracle Thinkers," Randy observed attitudes, patterns of thought, and behaviors that these people seemed to have in common. She tells their stories and follows each story with 3 Miracle Thinking Tips so you can create miracles too!

Miracle Thinking Talks, Classes and Workshops

Randy speaks for businesses, organizations, associations, and New Thought churches. Business talks are geared for a business audience, while church talks are geared for a spiritual audience. To hire Randy or learn more about her talks, click here...


Testimonials for Randy's Miracle Thinking Classes & Workshops

"Randy, you are "real" in your speaking, writing and facilitating. You share your experiences with humor and grace. We tithe to people who are Sourcing our spiritual nourishment, and you definitely qualify. Thank you for all you give." - Patty Lemon, speaker coordinator, Gavilan Hills Church, San Martin, CA

"Your "Miracle Thinking" class was an awesome experience that I felt honored to be part of. One thing I can count on is when I'm in your presence there will be laughter, opportunities for growth, positive self talk, and you always ask permission before giving your (truly) pearls of wisdom. When you shared the tools to help us regain our power, I was finally able to free myself from the victim stance! I was in awe of how you could stay in the moment and work with one person's story, process, etc., yet include the whole group, and then bring it back to what we were discussing." - Mary, a participant

More Endorsements for The Power of Miracle Thinking

Wow! Wow! Wow! Every once in a while, there is a book whose very first page to the last grabs your attention and won't let go. I delighted in every word in The Power of Miracle Thinking. The stories are unforgettable, and yet, I am compelled to go back and read them again and again. - Gloria Wendroff, Author, Heavenletters: Love Letters from God, Book One

Randy Peyser moves you swiftly from a spectator of other people's miracles into the future of your life.... so you, too, can participate fully in creating your own miracles. I LOVE THIS BOOK! Wish I had written it myself! - Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe," Author of Expect Miracles and A Christmas Filled With Miracles

The Power of Miracle Thinking is filled with inspiring stories of "real" people we can identify with. While some books recount stories of miracles, Randy Peyser has taken this a step further by clearly explaining the mindsets and actions of those who create miracles. In so doing, Randy has given us the tools to create our own miracles. - Jeff Keller, Author of the bestseller, Attitude is Everything

Through a collection of inspiring stories and powerful tips, this book sets you firmly on the path of creating miracles in your life. Marci Shimoff, Co-author of the bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

Excerpt from The Power of Miracle Thinking

by Randy Peyser


When Kathleen Ronald found herself floating amidst the rubble of the dotcom fallout, she initially decided to work three days a week as a marketing consultant. At the same time, she would slowly rebuild her speaking business over a two-year period.

However, in praying for guidance, she received a message to focus her energy entirely on her speaking career and not go back to the marketing position at all. Yikes! Could her speaking career match the kind of income she was used to making in the corporate world?

Kathleen had serious doubts. Feeling overwhelmed with fear, she decided she'd better have a conversation with God and her angels fast. "Look! she said, "If I'm going to do this, then you'd better make that phone ring. You'd better handle the details and bring me the big contracts I'm used to!"

Through tears, she heard the reply, "We've just been waiting for you." And so her journey began… For the first eight months, she focused on creating the perfect web site. However, since she had spent so much time focusing on that one area, she hadn't created a sales or marketing plan.

At one point, feeling overwrought with this new business that she wasn't even entirely sure about, she decided to call on her angels once again. This time, her conversation went something like this… "Booking Angels, I need you now! Show me the money!"

Shortly thereafter, she received a phone call in which she was invited to lead a training at a conference. There was just one problem: she didn't lead the kind of training the person had called about. However, by the end of that phone call, she was invited to present her training anyway. Arriving at the conference, the time slot for her presentation couldn't have been any worse - the last day of a four day event… after lunch. Only twenty people had registered.

Kathleen offered a prayer: "Lord, who ever is going be there is exactly who needs to be there. So whoever could be blessed by using my products or services, have them come to my class." The numbers gradually grew. Says Kathleen, "In faith, I told the event producer, 'we should set up the room for seventy because I'm expecting standing room only'."

The result? Seventy people attended Kathleen's course, which also ended up being the number one rated training that year out of a field of fifty presenters. That event led to the next, then the next.

Three years later, Kathleen's business continues to snowball. She considers her business her ministry and maintains a prayer list in her head of places where she wants to speak. She tells her angels, "When it's time for me to do my ministry there, then you make the arrangements."

To attract business when she attends trade shows or networking events, she doesn't frantically pace the floor looking to drum up new clients. Instead, she says a simple prayer she learned from Doreen Virtue: "Dear Lord, please bless me with all the people who would be blessed by using my products and services and have them find me at this event today. For this I pray and say, 'Thank you.' Amen."

Having asked for the right connections to find her, she walks into a room fully expecting to enjoy herself and have fun. Says Kathleen, " My heart is open. I can just give freely. There's no manipulation, there's no planning, there's no goal. My only goal is to let God do His thing. When friends suggest we go here, or do this or that in order to get business, I tell them, 'No. We're going to stand here at this table and people will come to us.' You don't have to go knock your brains out."


  • Says Kathleen, "Your miracles are small until your faith expands. Continue to expand your faith daily, because if you can ask it, your angels can deliver it."
  • "Let God and the angels orchestrate everything. Let them be your business partners. They will even manage your calls and appointments. For example, if you want quiet, ask them to hold your calls. There's nothing they won't do. You can also call on specific angels for help. For example, you can call on your writing angels, your comprehension angels, or your financial angels - whatever you need."
  • Miracle Thinkers embrace the power of prayer. Although she says she still doesn't have time for marketing, she makes time every day to 'have counsel with a million angels.' "To pray, be specific and include all the things you want. Pray before you get on the phone, go to a meeting, or get in the car. Always pray for the outcome that you're looking for, then release it, and say 'thank you.' Then the best outcome happens."

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